What is a cookie policy?
Кога ке дојдете на нашиот сајт или ги користите нашите услуги, Annifarm Shop и трети лица, авторизирани од наша страна собираат колачиња кои содржат податоци за вас. Оваа страна ја објаснува политиката за користење на колачиња и слични технологии во annifarm.com.mk (DNA Anni Farm, Скопје) на нашата веб страна.
We use these technologies to administer our site, analyze trends, track user activity, and enable personalized promotional messages and ads. This page explains what technologies are and your rights to change and control the use of cookies. When you first access annifarm.com.mk you may receive a message informing you that we are using "cookies". By clicking "I Agree", closing the pop-up window or continuing to use the Website you declare that you understand and agree to the use of these technologies, as explained in this Cookie Policy. You do not have to accept cookies and consent to use them may be revoked at any time (How to control cookies, contained below). You can change your browser settings to restrict or ban cookies, and you can delete them from any device at any time. If you do not agree or delete the cookies, some parts of our site that you access may not work properly or may take longer to open.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files, pieces of code, that can be used by websites to enhance the user experience. Cookies are saved on your computer or mobile device when you visit the website. The next time you visit the same site again, cookies allow us to recognize your browser. Cookies may store your preferences and other information but may not read your data or information from your hard drive or read other saved cookie files from other sites.
Колачињата кои што се директно поставени од сајтот (Annifarm Shop) се нарекуваат “колачиња од прва страна”. Колачињата поставени од други страни се нарекуваат “колачиња од трети-страни”. Колачињата од трети страни овозможуваат различни функционалности на нашиот сајт како (рекламирање, фукнции на социјални медиуми, аналитики). Овие колачиња не се во сопственост на Annifarm и Annifarm нема контрола врз нив и како тоа ке бидат истите искористени.
Why use cookies?
Cookies are used to better understand the use of the website by visitors as well as to optimize the user experience. Cookies allow, on the page that places them, to identify user devices in use compared to previous announcements and visits in order to personalize ads for greater relevance to users. This information can be collected on all web browsers and all devices (computer, laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.) but marketing cookies do not contain personal data about users.
This website uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are set by third party services that appear on our pages in order to optimize your experience at Annifarm Shop.
Cookies we use:
Necessary cookies. The necessary cookies help a website to be usable by enabling the basic functions, such as navigation through the page, the use of a shopping cart, billing and so on. Without these cookies, the website can not function properly. Preference cookies allow the website to remember information that changes the way it behaves or looks, such as your preferred language or region.
Статистички колачиња (Statistical cookies) ни помагаат да разбереме на кој начин посетителите комуницираат со веб страната преку анонимно собирање на информации. Маркетиншки колачиња (Marketing cookies). Маркетиншките колачиња се употребуваат за следење на посетителите низ веб-страниците. Целта е да се прикажат реклами кои се релевантни и привлечни за поединечниот корисник. Врз колачињата поставени од трети лица, Annifarm нема никаква одговорност ниту надлежност и ве советуваме да ги прочитате политиката за приватност и политиката за колачиња на нашите соработници и партнери за зголемување на вашата сигурност.
Cookies for performance and functionality. This type of cookie refers to tracking if you return to our site. These cookies contain necessary information, for example from which city you access Annifarm. It is important to note that these cookies are not necessary and do not affect your experience when visiting our site. and the cookie policy of our associates and partners to increase your security.
Social Media cookies. These cookies allow us to integrate the social media features of our site and can also be used for marketing purposes. The cookies set by Annifarm are our responsibility, but cookies set by third parties, in this case social networks, are not our responsibility and Annifarm has no responsibility for the use of data collected by third parties. For better information, we advise you to search and read these third party cookie and privacy policies for your better security and the cookies policy of our associates and partners to increase your security.
How do I control cookies?
When you first access annifarm.com.mk you may receive a message informing you that we are using "cookies". By clicking "I Agree", closing the pop-up window or continuing to use the Website you declare that you understand and agree to the use of these technologies, as explained in this Cookie Policy.
You do not have to accept the cookies and your consent to use them may be revoked at any time. Through the settings in the browser you can set which cookies you will keep and which you do not want to keep. You can also contact the company that set up and controls the cookies. For more information, check your browser settings.
Follow the links below for useful information about cookies from popular search engines:
Microsoft Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
Apple Safari:
Do I receive cookies via email?
Our emails contain cookies that provide information about whether you have opened the email and whether you have clicked on a specific link in it. These cookies are unique for each user, ie two users with the same message have their own special and unique cookies. These cookies are for analytical purposes only and are not retained on your device.
Tracking pixel (Web Beacon)
In addition to cookies, we use other technologies to recognize and track visitors to our site. Web Beacon or tracking pixel is a graphic image (usually one pixel) that is transmitted through a browser or HTML email message, usually together with the cookie.
Пикселите за следење ни овозможуваат, на пример, да следиме како корисниците се движат од една на друга веб страна, како пристапиле на сајтот, дали со кликнување на одредена реклама на Facebook или веб-банер поставен на трета страна-за да научиме и ги оцениме перформансите на рекламите и воопшто на целиот сајт.
General information
The Cookie Policy is part of Annifarm Privacy Policy which explains what Annifarm does with the information collected from our users. For more information, visit the Privacy Policy. Policies may change and update from time to time. Please visit the policy for any changes. Политиката за приватност на Annifarm која што објаснува што Annifarm прави со собраните информации од нашите корисници. За повеќе иформации посетете ја Политиката за приватност. Политиките може да се менуваат и обновуваат повремено. Ве молиме посетувајте ги политиките за информираност при евенутални промени.
Кон продавницата!